Monday, January 2, 2012


I have long heard of the prospect of the self-help category to psychology. What I never was aware of was where this kind of thinking stemmed from. I was always under the impression that it isn't really much of a study category let alone a successful aspect of psychology in relativity to the amount of suffering and decadence seen in society. What I should have realized was that I was witnessing the individual failure of people to recognize the true potential within us all.

My recent enlightenment to the potential of myself has lead me to the eventual potential of all people, though I argue I intrinsically knew about it intuitively, thus my ultimate worthiness of helping to realize this potential in others. Perhaps the most critically fundamental flaw in my previous mindset was that I somehow am formed by the environment of my own perception to be a realistically derived thought process. In all reality I was suffering a hypnosis of un-realistic terms that have ultimately guided me to a path of self-destructive mutilation. Though it was my suffering and ultimately my loneliness that guided me away from such thinking, I still needed more growth to obtain my true potential.. Or otherwise, that 'shine' that my mother has spoken of many times.
There is one thing I have never heard of her saying to my sister.. Not that I think she hasn't but I have found weird that she doesn't talk in this manner to her: Which is saying "You are destined for greatness".

I believe in my heart and my mind that the one thing I can do for this world is to learn how to better ourselves through our actions and faith in what those actions are meant to achieve. I believe that God wants for us a manner of success that is driven to glorify him through the purpose he made us for. Which is a transcendent manner of indescribable worth. It isn't through the material possessions or otherwise the treasures we obtain or discover but rather our character. Our bodies are not what distinguish us as special, even though it is our genetics which code us into what we are--As it is my belief that we take away from that original purpose and transcendence through our self-destructive acts. If this isn't true, then I need an explanation for Jesus' principles as well as those through his appointed apostles. In fact.. Jesus seems to focus on bringing our mindsets back to the idea that we really are worth something and that through God's power have we been given a gift.. Only through ending our blasphemous and disobedient ways can we realize our true potential and live the lives that we so desperately dream of.

Heaven isn't a metaphor, neither is the rest of the Bible. There are analogies all over the place, parables to learn from even, though you can see the difference of those from the stories that relate to history as well as real people. In fact it is very easy to see the truth of fact versus the truth of philosophy... Neither one negates the awesome power which is captivated through imagination.
Only God could know such a magnificent awesomeness and how it relates to his creations intrinsically. It is up to us to realize that he has an open hand of giving us this realization as well as the potential to make something out of it as we see fit--That is given that we do not commit sin against him while doing it.

For those who don't believe in the divine or in a specific deity as I, this same philosophy can be applied through psychology in many ways. Though the implications aren't as strong just like the process isn't as realistic, you can still achieve results that you otherwise squander at the hands of self-imposed unrealistic hypnosis.