Philosophy of Truth

Lies come in many forms and has many results. 

Truth comes in many forms, but has one result. 

Regardless of personal disposition to any ideology or set of facts, Truth is a matter of relevance to reality. Truth is not malleable or subjective. A blind man can not tell those who can see what the seeing perceive with sight, just as much as the laws of Physics aren't determined by intellectual preference to conditioned response. 

The world is filled with people who prefer to disregard Truth in favor of non-confrontational conversation, regardless of topic. I do not hold it relevant that an open mind be disregarded in favor of criticism of ideology, but I do not prefer to disregard Truth to keep any individual in a bubble of comfort. 
My goal is not to disrespect any demographic, religion, science, or ideology. My intent is to share and grow on the facts that reality maintains consistency within the framework of an ever-changing and predictable Universe. I am subject to change of mental state as much as physical condition, but I the inexorable attribute of reality is a matter of Truth

To seek the Truth is to become vulnerable to all the possibilities of discomfort of what reality is. Whether it be emotional, physical, or spiritual. The intellectually honest and scholarly approach to any thing is to seek the consistent and presumably predictable attributes of any reality; even that of the subconscious mind of an individual. Which is not to say that matters of subjectivity are simply a matter of opinion, but I am suggesting that the only way to grasp the Philosophy of Truth is to be reasonably logical in deduction and sound in inference of non-extrapolated information.

My interest in presenting Truth rests on the transformational power that Truth carries inherently. The lack of Truth carries consequences that are inescapable and detrimental. Which keeps me open to sincere and honest correction of errors of my own creation or that which I hold to be a matter of Truth
Just like any good detective, I am not allowed to believe in Coincidence or an unguided force such as Fate or Destiny. Though this doesn't mean I rule out the presence of an unseen force that determines events which lead individuals to say something was a matter of Fate or Destiny. Which may be a confusing way to articulate my point, but it isn't a riddle or word-play; I simply have no reason to conclude that anything happens by 'accident' other than the element of Human error and nothing is a matter of chance except for the Human element of Blind/Misguided Faith.

The use of Truth is a core attribute to the Fundamentals of the Foundation, without it there is no basis for LOVE, LEADERSHIP, & STRENGTH.