Philosophy of Health

Health comes in many forms, usually it is categorically based by the parts of the body most affected by specific disorders, disease, illness or sickness. These four things are synonymous by English definition standard, but are vastly different in use of language. For the sake of understanding what I mean when I use them, I will categorize them by example.

  • Disorders - Primarily marked by a lack of physiological reaction to environmental stimuli such as chemical influence. Mental disorders are the main subject of the use of this word, especially with regards to cognitive functions that are considered to be working improperly, but not predictably.
  • Disease - Primarily marked by physical affliction to an invading, outside source with a high mortality rate such as a virus like HIV. Though non-living organic and synthetic materials are included with equal respect, most bacterium are excluded based on their origin and manner of invasion. Others that are included would be things such as poisons and hazardous materials. Radiation poisoning is a good example of something that is hard to determine the complete nature of; such as the specific element the radiation came from as well as the myriad of effects.
  • Illness - Primarily marked by an invading source like a bacteria or a common virus that doesn't have a high mortality rate, like the cold virus. Also, non-organic materials can fall into this category that have a low mortality rate unless it is a matter of high quantity of exposure. Bleach ingestion is a good example of a chemical that is increasingly harmful, depending on the quantities ingested. Even certain bacteria from spoiled food is a good example of quantitative relevance.
    Also, the nature of how the individual feels is a way to describe an Illness, which may be limited only to physiological response; like a high fever.
  • Sickness - Primarily marked by an extremely low mortality rate, minor physiological response, and long term exposure to certain elements that slowly take effect. One such example would be the early stages of most cancer; despite being highly fatal in final stages, cancer is not known to spread as rapidly as a virus. This isn't to insinuate the implausibility of such an occurrence. However, the span of time required to increase the mortality rate is significant to the wording. 
The nature of Health is not limited to Human bodies. Because Earth is an extremely complex set of intricate ecosystems, one must take precaution of the elements as much as other organisms with respect to individual characteristics of individual life forms/elements as well as the combination of anything. A good example is how boiling river water kills most harmful bacteria, rendering the river water much safer for human consumption. Another example would be allergic responses that one individual has yet another does, even among closely related genetic dispositions like those found in siblings. 

In no way is any of the information I provide designed to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The information I provide may be erroneous because of further scientific development of knowledge as much as misleading facts that were not known when presented. Always check with a professional about your body in relevance to any information found, as no two people are identical in response to treatment or physical condition. 
Please, always use caution when self-treating any medical condition or refusing treatment from a professional.

Information on Health is a serious and tricky intellectual pursuit. Some people prefer a holistic approach while others prefer the advancements in scientific medicine in the lab. Some prefer to take a more spiritual path of healing and maintenance. I myself am equally between all three, preferring to approach any health concern with caution and to maintain my physical soundness with caution. Even irreparable damage can happen from exercise, let alone the complete lack of it. However, the foods we eat and the substances we consume have a extremely important role in the long-term condition of our bodies and minds. 
It is my personal philosophy that you can not guarantee longevity, but you can give yourself better chances. 

A necessary part of the Fundamentals of the Foundation, good health helps lead to good LOVE, LEADERSHIP, & STRENGTH.