Friday, January 29, 2021

Falling In the Rain

 Assume: Nothing

    Take nothing for granted, since time is short for an individual. 

    Tomorrow isn't known to us and the present moment defines the future.

And then I had stopped writing this, a strange feeling of incompleteness filled me. Neither the words that I put down or the reason for their appearance appealed to me suddenly. I felt a bit of fakery as though I had said these things before under a different context. The fake feeling must of been a sense of De Ja Vu.. As though I could have said things better, as though I were being lazy. 
And then I had a talk with someone about their own things and I realized that there was a reason why I was saying these things. It isn't to myself, which is why I felt the need to reiterate in a different way. Had it been to myself I would change what I said. 

    The thing is that I am actually speaking a timeless truth that won't stand forever, hopefully. That's to say that someday, somehow, life will be rectified. 
I'm putting my hope in the possibility that there are rules and regulations because there always was a certain way things need to be done.  It is for the reason of sound rules that many of my beliefs and dogma branch a certain direction. 

Prepare: For Defense

    This life is not a joke and the consequences of taking things lightly leads to a high likelihood of death. Though the end isn't tangible for the individual, it is something felt very strongly by the living. Perhaps the main reason people are able to foresee and contemplate the nature of their own demise, is to ask the question: Why?
        Why are we even able to do this?


Aside from the deeper questions surrounding the human experience as far as an existential ideology, there is a strong sense of purpose to human life even from the perspective of an outsider. To what level of importance that purpose rises seems to be a subjective and opinionated process of deduction. Religious  folk claim supreme importance based on a higher power of influence, higher than the fabric of the physical; Divine Creation. Where as the Agnostics admit supreme mystery in the same sense but without the presence of an intelligent and superior force that is known and defined as alleged. 
Yet both sides have an argument for why their view is superior.

 Having a defense for the things you believe is important, knowing the arguments others use is important, and understanding the flaws of your position is mandatory.
    The reason for this is because the average person lacks common sense about most social issues; aside from the sycophancy of virtue signaling and posturing. It is very important to understand the difference of relating and understanding; most of the arguments about social issues lack a logical premise. It isn't that virtues lack importance as they used to, though there's an argument that morality is lacking world-wide. So if there's been a time where an argument given didn't make sense, but it wasn't immediately obvious, then a deduction is needed. 
        This, above, is the reason why so many people scream their arguments and then gaslight each other to end the debate......usually not a true end, just a beligerent interruption to civility. 

Logic has rules, breaking them breaks an attempt at an argument. The Fallacies of Logic are clearly defined, just like alcoholism and other addictions to destructive actions. An illogical premise is the same as an illogical deduction--it leads to chaos. 

As the Thunder Rolls

    The sound of people going crazy over politics is the same as a bunch of dying rabbits. 
Yeah.. Just imagine a field of them all being burned alive. 
That's what it's like for most people to listen to the political activism seeping into every walk of their lives. Anything that was once seen as untouched by political agenda is now being overloaded to the point it makes it's content rife with a superiority complex as well as a hypocritical understanding of how the world has always operated. 

    The irony in all of this virtue signaling and posturing by propagandists is that the original source of these kinds of things were from the religious or fanatics. If there were ever a reason for individuals of any religious sect to analyze their views..... It's now. 
The opportunity for unity is massive, but so is the chance for division. 
Though I don't have the opinion that things are as fractured as some people may claim, I do believe that the fracturing alluded to is factual. Something that's been happening longer than the presence of any of the current nations, because it is akin to the broken nature of humanity itself. 

What is sad about the current situation of affairs, world-wide, is the pervasive need for self-reliance and independence all while demanding mindless adherence. Group Think as it is commonly understood. That thing that so many of the politically minded end up doing without knowing it until they or someone they love is hurt permanently. In the end my dismay has to do with all the people falling through the cracks by the same people demanding our strongest attention to make changes in the direction they think is beneficial for all people... 
        Perhaps if it came on the back of evidence, hard evidence, I would see this differently. 
        It doesn't help that my childhood is filled with examples of hypocrisy and lies. 
            It's like I was forced to distrust adults and ultimately my friends. 
            By the age of 14 I was convinced that suicide was more of a noble than living. 

            I thank God that I strayed away from hurting myself, even if it was just sympathy for family.
            As these days I see what I went through as a sign of things to come in these years, at age 35.

Are We Ready for Change?

I argue no. 

    At least for the general population, the world as I would put it mildly. 

        Everyone enjoys talking about hope, change, and progress.. Yet most of them are screaming and threatening when things don't go the way they said they should. A visceral response to an otherwise unpredictable event has created timeless memes and usually the meme is mocking the people freaking out about change. This is a two way street in the subconscious and the result has become a stark contrast in the recent years. Nowadays people are triggered by 'micro' aggressions and their own response is to go nuclear. 

I understand that people freaking out about being subjugated and murdered is a natural response for people and for any other creature in this world. To suggest otherwise is to blindly suggest that nothing happens when you corner an animal.
It's even more interesting to watch the way things are unfolding these days, since there's absolutely no doubt at this point that there is a massive amount of manipulation happening. It doesn't even matter what side of the 'isle' you sit or if you ride the fence trying to figure out the facts.. It's ridiculous to suggest the zeitgeist is anything but divisive and a massive psychological trick of the monopolistic controllers of the world's finances. 
    If I'm wrong.. So be it. 
        But I'm coming at this from the perspective of the same people complaining about everything.
            Only because they are speaking from a stance of reality, even though their solutions aren't. 

            In my opinion, the truth is that you can read the Bible and see prophecy coming to pass. 

                So why not question the conclusions it suggests or the causes it claims?
                   Theology is a science. People be claiming to believe science... Yet know nothing of God?

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

ALAXENDRUS - Where are you?

For many years I have been working on an art project. 

During this time I've come up with a number of concepts to explain a world. 

This world is a representation of our own world, fantasized in abundance towards a symbol. 

I wanted to be able to narrate a story that could be exciting, compelling, and instructional. 

At some point in my journey I started to feel like the events in the world were becoming a matter of synchronicity. The fledging idea that my work may be a self-fulfilling prophecy became a growing concern; the scientific conceptualization of things is the plateau of my discomfort. A turning point for when I would say that I didn't want to continue. 

The reason that I took on the venture in the first place was due to the request of an old friend. It was during my mid-teenage years and there was a lot more going on under the surface than anyone wanted to talk about. Fortunately it wasn't a secret, the nature of events didn't allow themselves to be hidden or even have a chance to be disguised. Nonetheless, my motives were purely based on the entertaining value of story-telling and how I could serve God through my talents instead of myself. 

Given my age, I think I was a bit deluded and arrogant. Though my intent wasn't selfish or evil in nature, it certainly was arrogant and ambitious. Perhaps I knew in my head then that I wouldn't ever become a millionaire due to my abilities.. I never have been a wishful thinker and that kind of hope is beyond unrealistic to me; however, I did believe that I could make a living or at least wow some people. After all, my greater goal was and still is to reach people's souls and talk to their spirit. If you want to give me money for the work I do, so that I can continue without financial worry then I am greatly appreciative. Otherwise I prefer this hard road instead of the easy one.. There's something about it and what I believe, as a Christian, that makes me feel this is the more profitable way. 

A reward for my efforts?

    It has effectively been twenty years since I started this endeavor. In this time I have learned a lot of hard lessons when it comes to being... A Starving Artist.

With these lessons came the fortitude to withstand more. I have gone through many sessions and many 'gaps' of time. I've had successes and failures of all kinds and the big lesson in the end was to challenge my resolve. Is this something I even want?

I have gained artistic abilities that I didn't ever think I would have, but I also don't know if the shift is indicative of something on the lines of switching forms. I've looked at the digital shift as a necessity based on the times, but I've also resented a lot of it because it meant having a different kind of resource and therefore be put further away from mastery or equal competence with professionals. 

    My shortcoming financially were only second to those educationally. What I found is that all the schools that I wanted to attend for graphic design were out of my reach and anything that was in my reach was completely out of my interest. Ultimately I started to see the educational approach as the quickest way to go into the debt and the quietest way towards intellectual suicide. 

I am not suggesting that graphic designers are soul-less. What I am implying is that my personality couldn't handle the demands and my desire for freedom came with a high price. Yet in the end it is my desire to fly freely in my creative space and to not be boxed into a type of thinking about form or abstract conceptualization.. I now had effectively found myself outside of real space. Realistically speaking, I was not. I was so outside the box I couldn't see straight edges on anything. 

And that's when things started to make no sense at all. I saw things much differently than I had for quite some time and at that point it had been at least fifteen years into the endeavor; however, it wasn't just one endeavor that suffered behind my sudden creative incapacitation. Even though I wasn't feeling stifled I did feel as though something weren't right with me. I was already far removed from the idea of seeking professional help, but I also didn't think this particular problem was something I should seek a professional for. 

    Perhaps the most strange thing over time has been the ebb and flow of my creative process. Especially that I keep going over things and taking out anything that resembles someone else's work. Some similarities to certain attributes are pretty much unavoidable, but I'm speaking more on the lines of story archetypes and how impossible it is to make a new one (besides not being afraid of the archetypes predefinition to my existence, I don't see the value of trying to be so unique you're unrecognizable to anything anyone can relate to).

That's where we enter my Thirties. The dirty thirties as they call it.. And maybe this saying will stick well with me if I can survive until I'm 40. Though I must point out that right now it isn't looking too bad if we consider my sanity, but anything could happen from here to then. So I try to live my life as though I don't have much time, but also thankful for every minute of it. It's not like I can think back to a time where I used to think... "Hey, I wonder what I'll be like when I'm 35. I wonder what I'll be doing and what I'll want for the next 5 years"
I did give this kind of consideration to my twenties when I was a teenager and I thought about what I might look like physically when I hit 30.. 
Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for any of this in any kind of way other than what led me here bit by bit over the years--God. 

At one point I did feel like the synchronicity in life, coupled with the heartbreak all throughout, was starting to wear me down. I was starting to feel like maybe I was doing something wrong and what I couldn't see is that my talents were working to source the pain. 
But how is someone supposed to work through that? What are they supposed to do to help themselves understand that what they are good at isn't a bad thing, but it is attracting bad stuff. It's not like I would ever stop my art if someone, other than God, told me that. I would probably mock them and find scripture to clear my head of their ideas of what my talents should be or what they mean. 
I felt that the way things were going, the zeitgeist and the growing tensions, it was just a point in my life that I couldn't focus on much of anything other than escaping the reality other people put me in. 
And it took time and a lot of unexpected losses to get to this point, where I feel there is more to come. 

Even though I have no idea of what is going on right now, I have a strong feeling it all points towards one direction. 

The Title

Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Testimony

What do you think when someone tells you, "Give us your testimony"?
Is there a sense of anxiety because of being transparent? Perhaps you are the type that misunderstands the nature of a testimony and thus you consider it a 'religious' act?
Giving a testimony is no big deal, if you're able to surmount the challenge of being honest, detailed, and also emotionally stable. Being emotionally stable may be the most important factor, because you can't give an account of your past if you're not able to talk, stand, or otherwise keep from breaking something.

Often I am reminded of the importance of testimonies as I'm shopping.
I like to look at customer reviews to get a good understanding of the potential a product has to make me it's emotional slave; which simply means that I'm easily angered or brought to happiness.
When reading customer reviews, I'm usually not concerned with how a product makes an impact on the totality of an individual's life; which is the testimony. If anything, I just want to know the pros and cons that individuals have found that the manufacturer doesn't openly state. This is especially important with odd-ball gizmos or expensive purchases that aren't covered by some kind of extensive warranty.
However, when it comes to certain things I am looking for the total impact it has on an individual. My religious beliefs is one aspect, so is my artwork. Though it may seem weird for me to be concerned about how my art affects an individual in all areas of their life, it is important to me for a long list a reasons I can't go into right now.

Lately I have been finding my testimony soaked in by individuals who I otherwise wouldn't consider concerned about what I've gone through and how I've turned out. The blessing is in the reaction, not the story itself.

Transparent and Humble

I may be one to keep to myself and one to ask the questions that no one else will ask, but I'm also someone who is observing the things going on around me. I don't have any reason to conclude that e people around me have any concern for the things that I care about, but I can say that when I give them reason to care it comes in the form of my own testimony.
When I share my life experiences, I have a reason to give myself less in respect of what my feels of a situation was as opposed to what really happened.

Who knows my feelings and why should they?
What's the dream that the man has tried to show me? 
When will I wake up to the smell of the blood shed on the street and give a damn?
Where is this motivation of mine coming from?
Why is it that when I look around, the truth is always concerning me and what I can do.
How can I affect some change in the people around me?

I remember the other day when Ms. Marilyn was talking about the importance of our testimony, especially how much the unexpected comes out when you least expect it.
I prefer to refrain form all the talking about myself, because the basic principle about it is a matter of humility. Isn't that the main problem that I have had in my entire life?

Right now I can feel that the wheels Turning are of God's work.
My concern isn't that I want to be heard, it is that I want to help the harvest. I want to be a tool of God, not just another person seeking glory to my own name.
Where I've come from has helped to shape my purpose and also to restructure my personality so that I may receive God's blessings. My own transformation, which is still in progress, can be the tool for God. However, I can not say that everything else about me isn't. It must be true that even the bad things about me, God turns it into a positive element. Granted, he might not let me keep these negative things the same, but he sure is turning my affliction into a victory.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blue Skies

What does it mean to be free in "thought"?
Is there a limit to the understanding of what is thought, because I feel like there is something limiting me from getting it all out on the table.
Perhaps this is for a good reason?

As I ride the bus this morning, I feel so much happiness, just for the sake of being happy.
I'm being friendly with everyone, just because it is the right thing to do. However, I'm loving every bit of it.
That thing we call Satan, he's on my back and trying to dictate something.. All I hear is "blah blah blah I'm foolish blah blah blah hate something blah blah blah I have no hope blah blah blah"
So all I can do is smile and tell him, "Good morning! Morning is Great! I'm happy to be alive!"

So I have this smile.. I tried to relax my face, but it came back. Oh well, I guess I caught a case of the smiles today! Haha
What really cracks me up is that I really don't need a reason to be happy, because I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart! Where?! Down in my heart! Where?! Down in my heart!!
Whoops, it should be.. Where? Breathe in the Air! Where? Breathe in the air!

See.. This is the kind of happy-go-lucky nonsense that makes sense. Haha
I have every reason to be thankful, plenty of examples to bring me back to the former, and absolutely no care about some other stuff; whatever it was.
I think Satan was trying to say something, but I just talked over it. Why would I wait for the toilet to flush so I can get up?

I'm getting this feeling like I have to account for this light shining so brightly in me, by telling people I love Jesus. I feel that is a fair trade for what was sacrificed for my sake, because my sins are forgiven.
Ninja boi status here, gotta keep sneaking around in he dark and blowing wicked minds with a flash of Love! Woohoo!

When all is said and done, I sure hope my dust nourishes some plants so the next generation can live healthy. I know that is some lofty thinking, but I have quite a lofty imagination! 
Someone who should have existed once said, "My dreams are caged, but my mind is not."

Ok, I really have gotten vpcaried away here. So much for a point that isn't an extrapolation of points.
Ohhhhh whoops. THIS IS THE REVENGE! Of free thought of course.
No emotional slavery, no binding of positivity, no remorse because of speaking truth!
The train has left the station and were going light speed!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Gift of Moments

There really is no good way to express the concept of moments other than to live them. Then again, why would I try to express the concept of moments to something that doesn't exist? Even a rock has moments, it just lacks sentience to respond to the moments and it lacks self-awareness to contemplate the effect of moments on it's existence.
However, many people live a baneful existence in the name of vanity. The manner of how moments play out in their lives means nothing more than the next event. This can be seen in those who are selfish enough to only think about accumulating wealth and it can also be seen in people who live to destroy the moments of others; which isn't quite the same as schadenfreude, but it's close enough. (btw, schadenfreude means taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, it isn't the same as causing that misfortune or even taking pleasure in causing the misfortune)

I will never fully understand the nature of living for the purpose of self-fulfillment. I have always looked at such a thing as the most depraved kind of existence there is. It is great to be the king of the mountain, but what does it mean when you trash the whole world just to get to the top? Furthermore, who cares about the person at the peak when that person isn't trying to pull others up with them?
I have argued with many people that there are times when a selfish attitude means the difference of helping others out, because it is my core belief that sacrifice is the noble method to help others. There is no nobility in preying on the meek or innocent just to help out those who are favored. You hear so much about this in politics, yet it is those same politicians who won't give up their security and their fortunes to display the seriousness of their words. I've never heard of a noble King that doesn't sacrifice their life for their subjects, only tyrants who rule with the promise of freedom, security, and prosperity: at the cost of the lives of others.

Most of the time, in my adult life, I have found that I am more concerned with moments as they happen for other people as opposed to for myself. I really don't get bent out of shape about what is offensive to me, I put more energy into not perpetuating the offense. I have always felt greatly shaped by the way others feel my actions portray my character as, which is not to say I am worried about misconceptions. What I'm saying is that there's a difference of me being myself regardless of how it affects others, as opposed to me caring that I let my actions bring out the best about myself. I'm not perfect, no person is, but I don't have to let my imperfections rule my behavior. It seems even more foolish not to strive to improve the imperfections themselves.

How many times a day do we people get caught up in results and forget about the process?
Does the process ever yield results that are not exact to the process itself?
Is there reason that the process is truly irrelevant?
Oddly enough.. I think there are times when the process is irrelevant, that only results matter. However, that would be in the context of extremes. I don't find it to be true in relevance to dealing with the emotions of people or striving to be noble. In fact, I think it is that kind of thinking that is lacking a polarization to put it into perspective. It isn't quite a truism, it's not a good idiom, and it is illogical in many ways.
Anyone who thinks this way is caught up by the gears of vanity and crushed in the clockwork of insanity, the irony being that insanity has some systematic process to begin with.

For the majority of people who want to be immortal, there is no way to achieve that in this world. Even legends die off in the sands of time, their meaning lost in antiquity as even those who held the lore with esteem are also lost to the newcomers of the world. What then shall a man think of his own moments being of great status if his life itself isn't recognized even a generation beyond his own progeny?
Which makes the gift of moments all the more sacred.
Thinking about the future of our descendants isn't the method to keep our own moments sacred. The only way to do that is to live for a purpose that transcends time, regardless if it is practiced throughout time itself.

I look at my life and my emotional concerns and I see the same thing perpetuated from ages ago. How did I come to be this way is as much a mystery as how certain etiquette is absolute to the Human race. This is something that Naturalists will never be able to surmount with their appeal to naturalistic methods. Which I find a frivolous debate, considering the nature of how etiquette should have changed with intellectual sophistication; even though it remains constant when you appeal to divine authority.
My point isn't about morals or religious etiquette though. My point is about the importance of moments, it just makes more sense to give moments sacredness when valuing the the human condition of self-awareness. We humans go so far as to give the sacredness of moments to other living creatures and even to the non-sentient elements. Perhaps it is because we understand the lasting value of consequences from our actions, which can be heavily determined by our value of moments. Just another example of the transcending value the certain absolutes have to all life regardless of it's form.

In the end, the Gift of Moments means more than just appreciating what you are doing or who you are doing it with. The appeal to enjoying yourself and to helping others enjoy themselves is important, but it is meaningless if it creates devastation for the moments of the future. In fact, it would seem to justify what some may call the punishment of Karma.. Or like I love to hear, retribution.
So make the best of every moment, even if you have to learn to appreciate the value of sacrifice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Dream of Equality

I find it very relevant to post something about Equality and the ideologies surrounding it in the mainstream. Most of my desire to talk about this is because of my own life experiences with the state of Equality and also the nature in which people are getting really heated, in America, about the Marriage Equality hearings going on in the Supreme Court.
I'd like to point out that I am not making a call to stand in a certain direction, I'd rather be respectful to all sides since I think there are very reasonable people when you get past all the rhetoric and fanatics.

Being of mixed ethnicity, I have to deal with the outward expression of what I am involuntarily. This outward expression isn't acceptable to all people, be it that I am of mixed ethnicity or be it that I am mixed with a certain ethnic background. Since my earlier childhood memories, I have been recognized for what I really am and treated in a host of different ways because of individual perception of what I should be defined as. To my own horror, as a kid, the people who fight most for equality are usually the ones least tolerant.
I don't say this lightly.. I think Martin Luther King was a great advocate of peaceful demonstrations and to share in a worldly vision of mankind being peaceful with each other regardless of what they look like. However, I hate that people turn Martin Luther King's dream into a message of African American Empowerment, MLK wasn't advocating for one side regardless of what people believe his 'fight' to be about. The same goes for many other Equal rights activists who share in a dream where people are treated like people and the only differences that deserve discrimination are actions.
I don't see the logic in treating the great leaders of Equality as voices for one demographic, it defeats the purpose of what they were aiming to do.

There are a few other things about me that have undergone the discrimination that society is calling out against. I don't find these other things to be as important in my life since I can hide them from public view. However, I can't say that I find the struggle itself to be relevant to my goals since I don't rely on my private affairs being public like some people do. That may make it seem like I don't care about the struggle itself, but that is not accurate. I simply don't agree with what everyone is saying because some things don't need to be public affairs. When it comes to equal marriage, I think that is a legitimate struggle because it's depraved to force people to live in secrecy when it isn't harming anyone (be it themselves only if that truly is the case. Take all the oddball sexual kinks out there, I don't need to fight it for public approval even though I'm not going to support public ridicule).
I try to adhere to the principle that the fight for equality means relinquishing polemic arguments or slandering information about people. This is for the same reason that MLK made his whole action plan around, because I think there are a few great leaders of history that have shown the importance of your mentality in your struggle. For instance, anyone can agree that it is a contradiction to fight intolerance with intolerance. Just as it is a contradiction to kill a mother who had an abortion for the reason that she had supposedly 'murdered' an innocent person.
Adding fuel to the fire is the method that most people would like to adhere to. It is a clear sign of people who hide their destructive behavior under the guise of prosperity and compassion. The reality is that they are compassionate towards their toys and want prosperity for all toys. That is maniacal and tyrannical.

My basis for equality is in the same category as the 3 Points to the Foundation.
Love, Leadership, & Strength.
To be blunt.. You can't even get to the foundation if you don't know Love. At that point, Leadership and Strength have no meaning. Without Love, there is no compassion. Without compassion there is no understanding. Without understanding there is no cooperation. Without cooperation there is no growth. Without growth there is no life. And we all know what fills in the gap in the absence of life.

There is another problem though, it has to do with the source of moral integrity. I see this problem come up most with people who misunderstanding the premise of their moral understanding or those who can't identify a universal truth. The odd thing to me is that it correlates with a specific set of problems that make it hard for anyone to believe there is anything such as a universal truth. Irony would have it that these same people argue that morality is subjective yet they strive for a universal truth like equality. Interesting contradiction..
The fact of the matter is that no person is Equal to another person by virtue of human existence defining such through physical attributes and mentality. Aside from the obvious differences brought about by gender, thus making experiences subjective to the core of family (arguably the most important facet of the human experience), there are differences in age and birth order and appearance and intellectual capacity and emotional capacity and work ethic and even genetic disposition to disorders/diseases. The idea of individuality is so stark that equality can't exist if you are a naturalist. You have to adhere to the principle of duality to understand the deeper makeup of the human experience that brings us all together in Equality. It's not a joke.. I am not apologizing for offending anyone considering themselves a naturalist, because I find that ideology flawed and detrimental in these kinds of struggles.
If you can't accept the fact that human sentience is universal, in the aspect that we are simply embodied energy that is self aware and also capable of showing respect despite differences in physical attributes, you are bound to make the mistake of classifying people based on physical attributes instead of actions. This is extremely important to know the difference of because physical attributes are suggestive, they aren't the end result of volition. Just like a father can drop his masculine pride and ignore societal roles by becoming the maternal figure in the family, a short man can play basketball by challenging the notion that the taller you are the better chances you'll have! Even Charles Darwin had to affirm that idea by his mentioning that it isn't strength that determines the survival of a race in the gene pool; the logic is that perception of a strong attribute isn't the same as a true advantage.

Ok, with that rant out of the way.. I'd like to focus on the importance of Equality because it may seem like I'm making more of an argument against it. I'm not playing the Devil's Advocate, laying out the argument as a whole is necessary to be open minded. I don't care much for that pseudo tolerance society teaches.

Despite the obvious differences between any individual, there is that awesome similarity that we could call the seat of our experiences. Which is the conscious being behind all the flesh. I am not stepping into the realm of metaphysics when I say that science has been able to show a clear difference between the energy of the nervous system and the conscious mind. Though science hasn't been able to define what the consciousness is by virtue of substance, it has determined it to be a force that directs the core animated qualities of the body (I say it that way because we don't consciously control the body on every level) and is responsible for the patterns in the nervous system that are expressed throughout the body. The end result is amazing, because it is like the conscious experience is on the surface of the body even though it originates from the deepest aspect.
Because of this endowment of consciousness, each human is able to recognize the consciousness of other humans. It comes intuitively, only in our older years do we pay attention to the mechanisms as well as the profound nature that is sentience. We see it in other life forms and because of this quality of life energy coupled with sentience we are able to find something sacred about the experience of living. It helps that we aren't able to give credit of life to some inanimate object that has no value in the grander scheme of things. Even the naturalist must admit that the Universe is truly an awe inspiring place that deserves to be explored and respected (yeah, there I go again bashing you naturalists. Get over it, you have to understand the implications of your views to those who have experienced what you call the metaphysical).
Once you are able to recognize sacredness in any form, especially that of life, you have to start to consider what it means to withhold this recognition from something that deserves it. In fact, the effect of denying someone who feels they deserve it is much more profound. The reaction may be violent, an ironic event where they haven't denied sacredness in retaliation even though they are bent on a path of destruction because of their own perception of being denied value.

Is this starting to become clear at all?

Equality is a farce on the surface, but Humans experience something much deeper than the surface. Because of the human experience there is a conflict of definition. It is by virtue of being revealed the nature of humans that a true understanding can be reached. This understanding is so important that it breaks the bondage of hate and greed and many other conceivable evils/vices. Yet it begs the bigger question, "What did people do before this aspect of the human experience was revealed with certainty?"
Well.. If you look at history... Most people knew exactly what the truth is, they just preferred an alternate ideology. One that allowed them to control people with the concept of superiority through birthright.
If it wasn't because you're born to the royal class (or whatever superior class that goes down the line), it must be because of the shape of your genitals, the color of your skin, the length of a body part, the sound of your voice, the capacity of a preferred skill, or simply the land you were first seen. Every single thing is pyre for a fire of self destruction. Societies that are built on these concepts fall inevitably and people who subconsciously judge others based on these reasons are bound to create instability and insecurities in their families.
Don't be quick to assume that equality is the way to Utopia. There is a line within equality that can be crossed where moral truth is lost and entitlement becomes absolute.

Giving people the chance to prove their worth is not the way. Everyone has value.. However, giving everyone the chance to make something of that value is a state of equality. That is a precept when dealing with legalism; you prove what injustice was committed before assuming guilt. When it comes to judging people on a daily basis, it is not the judgement which is a vice because it is the twisting of reality to fit a bias that nullifies equalities.
When you tell someone else that they have to accept what people do and that they have to go so far as to support it, you've taken away the right to judge actions. I don't have to be ok with what someone does, even though I feel I have to give that person recognition of their natural value. Those are two very different things and it can be perverted to mean all sorts of rhetorical garbage.

Take away someone's value as a person, you show discrimination that crosses a line of moral truth.
Judge people by their actions while maintaining that they have value, you uphold Integrity and Justice.

What really matters is Integrity and Justice, not comfort and freedom.
Genuine Nobility will serve comfort and freedom to those who uphold Integrity and Justice fairly.