Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Testimony

What do you think when someone tells you, "Give us your testimony"?
Is there a sense of anxiety because of being transparent? Perhaps you are the type that misunderstands the nature of a testimony and thus you consider it a 'religious' act?
Giving a testimony is no big deal, if you're able to surmount the challenge of being honest, detailed, and also emotionally stable. Being emotionally stable may be the most important factor, because you can't give an account of your past if you're not able to talk, stand, or otherwise keep from breaking something.

Often I am reminded of the importance of testimonies as I'm shopping.
I like to look at customer reviews to get a good understanding of the potential a product has to make me it's emotional slave; which simply means that I'm easily angered or brought to happiness.
When reading customer reviews, I'm usually not concerned with how a product makes an impact on the totality of an individual's life; which is the testimony. If anything, I just want to know the pros and cons that individuals have found that the manufacturer doesn't openly state. This is especially important with odd-ball gizmos or expensive purchases that aren't covered by some kind of extensive warranty.
However, when it comes to certain things I am looking for the total impact it has on an individual. My religious beliefs is one aspect, so is my artwork. Though it may seem weird for me to be concerned about how my art affects an individual in all areas of their life, it is important to me for a long list a reasons I can't go into right now.

Lately I have been finding my testimony soaked in by individuals who I otherwise wouldn't consider concerned about what I've gone through and how I've turned out. The blessing is in the reaction, not the story itself.

Transparent and Humble

I may be one to keep to myself and one to ask the questions that no one else will ask, but I'm also someone who is observing the things going on around me. I don't have any reason to conclude that e people around me have any concern for the things that I care about, but I can say that when I give them reason to care it comes in the form of my own testimony.
When I share my life experiences, I have a reason to give myself less in respect of what my feels of a situation was as opposed to what really happened.

Who knows my feelings and why should they?
What's the dream that the man has tried to show me? 
When will I wake up to the smell of the blood shed on the street and give a damn?
Where is this motivation of mine coming from?
Why is it that when I look around, the truth is always concerning me and what I can do.
How can I affect some change in the people around me?

I remember the other day when Ms. Marilyn was talking about the importance of our testimony, especially how much the unexpected comes out when you least expect it.
I prefer to refrain form all the talking about myself, because the basic principle about it is a matter of humility. Isn't that the main problem that I have had in my entire life?

Right now I can feel that the wheels Turning are of God's work.
My concern isn't that I want to be heard, it is that I want to help the harvest. I want to be a tool of God, not just another person seeking glory to my own name.
Where I've come from has helped to shape my purpose and also to restructure my personality so that I may receive God's blessings. My own transformation, which is still in progress, can be the tool for God. However, I can not say that everything else about me isn't. It must be true that even the bad things about me, God turns it into a positive element. Granted, he might not let me keep these negative things the same, but he sure is turning my affliction into a victory.