Friday, January 29, 2021

Falling In the Rain

 Assume: Nothing

    Take nothing for granted, since time is short for an individual. 

    Tomorrow isn't known to us and the present moment defines the future.

And then I had stopped writing this, a strange feeling of incompleteness filled me. Neither the words that I put down or the reason for their appearance appealed to me suddenly. I felt a bit of fakery as though I had said these things before under a different context. The fake feeling must of been a sense of De Ja Vu.. As though I could have said things better, as though I were being lazy. 
And then I had a talk with someone about their own things and I realized that there was a reason why I was saying these things. It isn't to myself, which is why I felt the need to reiterate in a different way. Had it been to myself I would change what I said. 

    The thing is that I am actually speaking a timeless truth that won't stand forever, hopefully. That's to say that someday, somehow, life will be rectified. 
I'm putting my hope in the possibility that there are rules and regulations because there always was a certain way things need to be done.  It is for the reason of sound rules that many of my beliefs and dogma branch a certain direction. 

Prepare: For Defense

    This life is not a joke and the consequences of taking things lightly leads to a high likelihood of death. Though the end isn't tangible for the individual, it is something felt very strongly by the living. Perhaps the main reason people are able to foresee and contemplate the nature of their own demise, is to ask the question: Why?
        Why are we even able to do this?


Aside from the deeper questions surrounding the human experience as far as an existential ideology, there is a strong sense of purpose to human life even from the perspective of an outsider. To what level of importance that purpose rises seems to be a subjective and opinionated process of deduction. Religious  folk claim supreme importance based on a higher power of influence, higher than the fabric of the physical; Divine Creation. Where as the Agnostics admit supreme mystery in the same sense but without the presence of an intelligent and superior force that is known and defined as alleged. 
Yet both sides have an argument for why their view is superior.

 Having a defense for the things you believe is important, knowing the arguments others use is important, and understanding the flaws of your position is mandatory.
    The reason for this is because the average person lacks common sense about most social issues; aside from the sycophancy of virtue signaling and posturing. It is very important to understand the difference of relating and understanding; most of the arguments about social issues lack a logical premise. It isn't that virtues lack importance as they used to, though there's an argument that morality is lacking world-wide. So if there's been a time where an argument given didn't make sense, but it wasn't immediately obvious, then a deduction is needed. 
        This, above, is the reason why so many people scream their arguments and then gaslight each other to end the debate......usually not a true end, just a beligerent interruption to civility. 

Logic has rules, breaking them breaks an attempt at an argument. The Fallacies of Logic are clearly defined, just like alcoholism and other addictions to destructive actions. An illogical premise is the same as an illogical deduction--it leads to chaos. 

As the Thunder Rolls

    The sound of people going crazy over politics is the same as a bunch of dying rabbits. 
Yeah.. Just imagine a field of them all being burned alive. 
That's what it's like for most people to listen to the political activism seeping into every walk of their lives. Anything that was once seen as untouched by political agenda is now being overloaded to the point it makes it's content rife with a superiority complex as well as a hypocritical understanding of how the world has always operated. 

    The irony in all of this virtue signaling and posturing by propagandists is that the original source of these kinds of things were from the religious or fanatics. If there were ever a reason for individuals of any religious sect to analyze their views..... It's now. 
The opportunity for unity is massive, but so is the chance for division. 
Though I don't have the opinion that things are as fractured as some people may claim, I do believe that the fracturing alluded to is factual. Something that's been happening longer than the presence of any of the current nations, because it is akin to the broken nature of humanity itself. 

What is sad about the current situation of affairs, world-wide, is the pervasive need for self-reliance and independence all while demanding mindless adherence. Group Think as it is commonly understood. That thing that so many of the politically minded end up doing without knowing it until they or someone they love is hurt permanently. In the end my dismay has to do with all the people falling through the cracks by the same people demanding our strongest attention to make changes in the direction they think is beneficial for all people... 
        Perhaps if it came on the back of evidence, hard evidence, I would see this differently. 
        It doesn't help that my childhood is filled with examples of hypocrisy and lies. 
            It's like I was forced to distrust adults and ultimately my friends. 
            By the age of 14 I was convinced that suicide was more of a noble than living. 

            I thank God that I strayed away from hurting myself, even if it was just sympathy for family.
            As these days I see what I went through as a sign of things to come in these years, at age 35.

Are We Ready for Change?

I argue no. 

    At least for the general population, the world as I would put it mildly. 

        Everyone enjoys talking about hope, change, and progress.. Yet most of them are screaming and threatening when things don't go the way they said they should. A visceral response to an otherwise unpredictable event has created timeless memes and usually the meme is mocking the people freaking out about change. This is a two way street in the subconscious and the result has become a stark contrast in the recent years. Nowadays people are triggered by 'micro' aggressions and their own response is to go nuclear. 

I understand that people freaking out about being subjugated and murdered is a natural response for people and for any other creature in this world. To suggest otherwise is to blindly suggest that nothing happens when you corner an animal.
It's even more interesting to watch the way things are unfolding these days, since there's absolutely no doubt at this point that there is a massive amount of manipulation happening. It doesn't even matter what side of the 'isle' you sit or if you ride the fence trying to figure out the facts.. It's ridiculous to suggest the zeitgeist is anything but divisive and a massive psychological trick of the monopolistic controllers of the world's finances. 
    If I'm wrong.. So be it. 
        But I'm coming at this from the perspective of the same people complaining about everything.
            Only because they are speaking from a stance of reality, even though their solutions aren't. 

            In my opinion, the truth is that you can read the Bible and see prophecy coming to pass. 

                So why not question the conclusions it suggests or the causes it claims?
                   Theology is a science. People be claiming to believe science... Yet know nothing of God?