Saturday, February 16, 2013

Don't Compromise Justice

Why, in all that is possibly good in this world, would anyone want to sit down during a Crisis?

I have been asking myself this question most of my life, yet I never get a good response since I am stuck wondering if the paralyzing effects of fear is based on perception of a situation or just cowardice. There were a few situations in my life where I didn't stand a chance in a violent scenario yet I refused to back down. Those situations could have ended up much worse than they actually did.. Perhaps it was a matter of divine intervention or just my aura made a difference?
Regardless, I find it amazingly disconcerting that some individuals would rather put their safety in the hands of someone or something that will bail them out of the hot water. This includes anyone seeking divine intervention for all their troubles in life.

I am not one to advocate a full adherence to self-sufficiency, but I can't help but advocate that people be more gutsy in their actions. This is important in most situations and the variances to them, ranging from school work all the way to being on the battlefield as a soldier.
My motto is that you can't save a life sitting down coaching from the sidelines. It is one thing to be limited to how you interact with someone, but it is a completely different thing to refuse to take any risks. The back-breaking work of our respected ancestors wasn't done by putting safety as a precept for non life-threatening scenarios. In fact, some of the greatest achievements by individuals has come because of the disregard for safety; that isn't to say that respecting safety standards hasn't kept sophisticated minds from disaster though.

Now let's take a look at uniformed personnel, the ones who aren't corrupt that is, who make safety a priority for others while risking everything to do so. I especially like Firefighters since they are a group of hired safety men who literally risk everything whenever in action. An easy example where I don't have to go to extremes to make a point with logical fallacies, not to forget the low corruptibility of the job itself.
When I look back at the historical events I have been alive to witness, I can think of dozens of events where Firefighters have lost their lives while lowering the total number of casualties of those particular scenarios. The terrorist attacks of September 11th in New York is the best example of heroism in a crisis. Especially with such an out-of-the-box thinking intensity that no one could possibly know what is about to happen next. Heck, for all it's worth, I'm sure some people assumed what was going on was more than a terrorist attack.
Instead of ranting about what I think I know of the events, I'll just focus on the unsurprising fact that many Firefighters saved lives while loosing their own, not that they were the only uniformed individuals who did. The act of valor of all those people has been immortalized by the simple fact that they ran in, standing tall, during a crisis.

Now here's the meat of my point in it's succulent entirety.

The saying goes, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything" and we hear it most from cowards. Yes, I'm talking about people who wont even die for those they truly love let alone a complete stranger. These same people cry about milk spilled on the counter top by their own elbow, begging for people to understand their emotional suffering, all while demanding others live their lives in acts of heroism. Then when it is time to make a further stand for justice, these same people turn a blind eye to confrontation in the name of some self-righteous sense of compassion.

Now don't confuse my words for saying that anyone who doesn't act when trouble comes is a coward.. And certainly don't confuse my words for saying what justice is. What I'm saying is that there is this entitlement mentality to many people, the same ones posting about Soldier's being honored yet no compassion is shown to them when a War they're in becomes unpopular. Also I'm talking about the people who cry rivers of tears over situations they were in full control over, the sobs centered around the absence of the knight in shining armor to show strength in nobility.
They are everywhere... The first Matrix movie made a point to acknowledge what these kinds of people are like and how they are nothing more than parasitic prisoners to a tyrannical host that uses them for sustenance. Oh how the Irony kills me intellectually...

Justice must not be compromised. We must not sit during a crisis. If we do, we will never prevail in our darkest hours let alone times of relative peace.

People are getting too soft when it comes down to being hardened against evil, we need to regain our tempered edge against it and hone that edge so that we cut through injustice like a hot knife through butter.
Otherwise we may as well just say goodbye to everything standing between us, including everyone we love, and inevitable doom.