Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Gift of Moments

There really is no good way to express the concept of moments other than to live them. Then again, why would I try to express the concept of moments to something that doesn't exist? Even a rock has moments, it just lacks sentience to respond to the moments and it lacks self-awareness to contemplate the effect of moments on it's existence.
However, many people live a baneful existence in the name of vanity. The manner of how moments play out in their lives means nothing more than the next event. This can be seen in those who are selfish enough to only think about accumulating wealth and it can also be seen in people who live to destroy the moments of others; which isn't quite the same as schadenfreude, but it's close enough. (btw, schadenfreude means taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, it isn't the same as causing that misfortune or even taking pleasure in causing the misfortune)

I will never fully understand the nature of living for the purpose of self-fulfillment. I have always looked at such a thing as the most depraved kind of existence there is. It is great to be the king of the mountain, but what does it mean when you trash the whole world just to get to the top? Furthermore, who cares about the person at the peak when that person isn't trying to pull others up with them?
I have argued with many people that there are times when a selfish attitude means the difference of helping others out, because it is my core belief that sacrifice is the noble method to help others. There is no nobility in preying on the meek or innocent just to help out those who are favored. You hear so much about this in politics, yet it is those same politicians who won't give up their security and their fortunes to display the seriousness of their words. I've never heard of a noble King that doesn't sacrifice their life for their subjects, only tyrants who rule with the promise of freedom, security, and prosperity: at the cost of the lives of others.

Most of the time, in my adult life, I have found that I am more concerned with moments as they happen for other people as opposed to for myself. I really don't get bent out of shape about what is offensive to me, I put more energy into not perpetuating the offense. I have always felt greatly shaped by the way others feel my actions portray my character as, which is not to say I am worried about misconceptions. What I'm saying is that there's a difference of me being myself regardless of how it affects others, as opposed to me caring that I let my actions bring out the best about myself. I'm not perfect, no person is, but I don't have to let my imperfections rule my behavior. It seems even more foolish not to strive to improve the imperfections themselves.

How many times a day do we people get caught up in results and forget about the process?
Does the process ever yield results that are not exact to the process itself?
Is there reason that the process is truly irrelevant?
Oddly enough.. I think there are times when the process is irrelevant, that only results matter. However, that would be in the context of extremes. I don't find it to be true in relevance to dealing with the emotions of people or striving to be noble. In fact, I think it is that kind of thinking that is lacking a polarization to put it into perspective. It isn't quite a truism, it's not a good idiom, and it is illogical in many ways.
Anyone who thinks this way is caught up by the gears of vanity and crushed in the clockwork of insanity, the irony being that insanity has some systematic process to begin with.

For the majority of people who want to be immortal, there is no way to achieve that in this world. Even legends die off in the sands of time, their meaning lost in antiquity as even those who held the lore with esteem are also lost to the newcomers of the world. What then shall a man think of his own moments being of great status if his life itself isn't recognized even a generation beyond his own progeny?
Which makes the gift of moments all the more sacred.
Thinking about the future of our descendants isn't the method to keep our own moments sacred. The only way to do that is to live for a purpose that transcends time, regardless if it is practiced throughout time itself.

I look at my life and my emotional concerns and I see the same thing perpetuated from ages ago. How did I come to be this way is as much a mystery as how certain etiquette is absolute to the Human race. This is something that Naturalists will never be able to surmount with their appeal to naturalistic methods. Which I find a frivolous debate, considering the nature of how etiquette should have changed with intellectual sophistication; even though it remains constant when you appeal to divine authority.
My point isn't about morals or religious etiquette though. My point is about the importance of moments, it just makes more sense to give moments sacredness when valuing the the human condition of self-awareness. We humans go so far as to give the sacredness of moments to other living creatures and even to the non-sentient elements. Perhaps it is because we understand the lasting value of consequences from our actions, which can be heavily determined by our value of moments. Just another example of the transcending value the certain absolutes have to all life regardless of it's form.

In the end, the Gift of Moments means more than just appreciating what you are doing or who you are doing it with. The appeal to enjoying yourself and to helping others enjoy themselves is important, but it is meaningless if it creates devastation for the moments of the future. In fact, it would seem to justify what some may call the punishment of Karma.. Or like I love to hear, retribution.
So make the best of every moment, even if you have to learn to appreciate the value of sacrifice.