Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blue Skies

What does it mean to be free in "thought"?
Is there a limit to the understanding of what is thought, because I feel like there is something limiting me from getting it all out on the table.
Perhaps this is for a good reason?

As I ride the bus this morning, I feel so much happiness, just for the sake of being happy.
I'm being friendly with everyone, just because it is the right thing to do. However, I'm loving every bit of it.
That thing we call Satan, he's on my back and trying to dictate something.. All I hear is "blah blah blah I'm foolish blah blah blah hate something blah blah blah I have no hope blah blah blah"
So all I can do is smile and tell him, "Good morning! Morning is Great! I'm happy to be alive!"

So I have this smile.. I tried to relax my face, but it came back. Oh well, I guess I caught a case of the smiles today! Haha
What really cracks me up is that I really don't need a reason to be happy, because I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart! Where?! Down in my heart! Where?! Down in my heart!!
Whoops, it should be.. Where? Breathe in the Air! Where? Breathe in the air!

See.. This is the kind of happy-go-lucky nonsense that makes sense. Haha
I have every reason to be thankful, plenty of examples to bring me back to the former, and absolutely no care about some other stuff; whatever it was.
I think Satan was trying to say something, but I just talked over it. Why would I wait for the toilet to flush so I can get up?

I'm getting this feeling like I have to account for this light shining so brightly in me, by telling people I love Jesus. I feel that is a fair trade for what was sacrificed for my sake, because my sins are forgiven.
Ninja boi status here, gotta keep sneaking around in he dark and blowing wicked minds with a flash of Love! Woohoo!

When all is said and done, I sure hope my dust nourishes some plants so the next generation can live healthy. I know that is some lofty thinking, but I have quite a lofty imagination! 
Someone who should have existed once said, "My dreams are caged, but my mind is not."

Ok, I really have gotten vpcaried away here. So much for a point that isn't an extrapolation of points.
Ohhhhh whoops. THIS IS THE REVENGE! Of free thought of course.
No emotional slavery, no binding of positivity, no remorse because of speaking truth!
The train has left the station and were going light speed!