Saturday, March 2, 2013

Surprise! You're experiencing Disdain!

If the title of this post didn't convey an extreme sense of cynical joy, then let me put it out there that I intended such. I am commonly known to be full of cynicism to illustrate my feelings about situations that are anything but joyful expressions of the treasures of life. Don't get me wrong though, I look at it as a treasure chest of trash that can incite something truly wonderful in an individual's growth.. So the trash may be undesired but it really is treasure if you know what to do with the trash inside the treasure chest that we may prefer to call: Pandora's Box. 

This blog title is really important to something we all can relate to in this broken-state of a world. Surprise can be fun, exciting in a dangerous way, or outright unpleasant  I can't think of any kind of positive attribute about Disdain in itself, but I can think of many ways that Disdain can bring about greatness in individuals.
First, for the laymen, let us get a clear understanding of what the two things are and how they come to bring clarity of my idea when used together like I did in the title.

sur·prise Verb /sə(r)ˈprīz/ 
surprising present participlesurprised past tense;surprises 3rd person singular presentsurprisedpast participle
  1. (of something unexpected) Cause (someone) to feel mild astonishment or shock
  • was surprised at his statement
  • Joe was surprised that he enjoyed the journey
  • she was surprised to learn that he was forty
  1. Capture, attack, or discover suddenly and unexpectedly; catch unawares
  • he surprised a gang stealing scrap metal

 dis·dain Verb /disˈdān/ 
disdains 3rd person singular presentdisdained past participle;disdaining present participledisdained past tense
  1. Consider to be unworthy of one's consideration
  • gamblers disdain four-horse races
  1. Refuse or reject (something) out of feelings of pride or superiority
  • she remained standing, pointedly disdaining his invitation to sit down
  • he disdained to discuss the matter further
Disdain is a bit more tricky to articulate than Surprise because most people don't realize they are exhibiting the qualities of what defines Disdain unlike what defines Surprise. Perhaps the reason behind it is because the word Disdain is not used frequently enough with the layman, the comparison to the common usage of Surprise is unbelievably stark. Moreover, most people would rather use a word like uncomfortable or anger or disgust. Though disgust is similar to despise and despise is synonymous with disdain.

Now I'm going to give an example of when someone is Surprised by their Disdaining experience.

Disillusionment from Betrayal.

Come on.. Tell me you haven't experienced betrayal before. I can't think of anyone who doesn't come to know the meaning of betrayal. Most people know the depth of how it can bring despair, bitterness, wrath, and/or vengeance. Those who experience Betrayal also experience Disillusionment and in case you aren't aware of what that is.. It's when something loses value because of disappointment because you realize it isn't as good as what you thought it was. This is the worse when it comes to relationships, even though it can happen like "buyers remorse" with a product that doesn't live up to the quality it was portrayed as. I think disillusionment is the most common with politics.. Since people base their entire life on a candidate or philosophy and then it turns out to be corrupted or falls apart over time. Some may argue that it is religion, however religion has a much better efficiency of maintaining itself through dissonance. It is hard to find a person who experiences facts about their religious views that cause them to drop it instead of legitimize the negativity.

Now there are a few ways Disdain can be handled.. I only advocate that any individual analyzes their feelings and thoughts before making any decision. Sometimes a positive outcome can be reached by simply giving their choice some time to be weighed against other choices. Regardless of the choice, I do hope all to be well in the end; primarily that growth occurs from the pain and also any negativity resulting from a bad choice.

In the mean time..
When you experience the Surprise of an event and then experience Disdain, don't be quick to assume that the Disillusionment of something that may be a matter of Betrayal is anything less or more than your own expectations. I am not saying that your expectations have no merit, I am saying that humans tend to give more weight to a situation in either a positive or negative way based on their unspoken expectations.
When it comes to relationships, it doesn't pay to assume anything or to expect more than what is mutual. There are certain things that shouldn't need to be conveyed, like honesty and sincerity, but in this world it is all too common to be acquainted with people who don't take you seriously just as they have a bunch of conditions to keep things positive. Sometimes the end of a friendship or romance comes from having a difference of opinion about a celebrity; which is the most ridiculous kind of reasoning to have in my opinion.
Other times you have to deal with a complexity that has roots in how a family unit functions harmoniously.

Just be ready for the times when you feel betrayed and disillusioned.
Don't be surprised by everything.. Conversely, don't assume anything.